Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April 30 - Blue Ball, Red Ball and Peppers for Dinner

Emma came over to play on Sunday.  She loves to play ball with her uncle, Matty.  Matt got the blue ball out of its resting place in an antique goat cart on our back porch.  Here was the conversation I overheard.
Emma, "No, Matty.  We are playing with the red ball today."
Matt, "Emma, let's go.  I already have the blue ball.  Come on."
Emma replied in a frustrated manner, "No, Matty.  Don't you understand?  We played with the blue ball last time.  It's a pattern - blue ball, red ball, blue ball, red ball.  Get it?"
Matt picked up the red ball and off they went to play.

Red Peppers for our Dinner Tonight

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