Friday, October 12, 2012

October 8 - Fleece Hat for Emma

Emma was out of school for Columbus Day today and came over to spend the day with us.  She was busy, busy, busy playing with Matty, the dogs, and me.

While she was here, I made her a fleece hat.  This was my first try at making one and I was pleased with the way it turned out.  Emma picked out the fleece and told me that she wanted a flower on top of the hat.  I used a pattern that I found online, modified it a little (as I always have to do), and made up my own flower to top it with.

I was planning to get a picture of Emma modeling the hat, but she fell sound asleep at the end of the day while watching Cinderella for the second time.  I like the ear flaps on this one and plan to make some for Bobby and Noah just as soon as Emily sends me their head measurements.

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